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  4. Deliver Us From Evil - Screen Play (Paperback)

Deliver Us From Evil - Screen Play (Paperback)

A creepy mystery thriller about a girl with an idyllic life of money, good friends and future happiness with a loving fiancé, whose life is turned into a nightmare with the arrival of a mysterious teenager. Purporting to be her younger brother who had died when they were children, he tells her in secret he has come back from the grave to "correct" the injustice of her having the life he has been denied - and that he now intends to redress that balance. Alarmingly, no one believes her. Is she going mad, as did her mother, or - more terrifyingly - can he really be her brother come back from the dead to take his revenge?

Michael Armstrong's scary, supernatural mystery thriller was originally written as another vehicle to provide the young unknown David Bowie with an acting showcase. Now, for the first time, this original script is in print with a detailed writing history and subsequent checkered path that failed to materialise into a production. Foreword by Julie Peasgood.

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