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  4. Screamtime - Screen Play (Paperback)

Screamtime - Screen Play (Paperback)


Three teenagers receive an unexpected comeuppance after watching a set of stolen horror videos involving a murderous Punch & Judy show, a haunted house, and a comic tale of some hapless thieves getting more than they'd bargained for when trying to rob two old ladies who claim to have fairies at the bottom of their garden.

Michael Armstrong's portmanteau screen play was written to incorporate three short horror films he made with Stanley Long: That's The Way To Do It, Dreamhouse and Do You Believe In Fairies? - all three published here in their original uncut theatrical versions before being shortened for the portmanteau. Plus a detailed writing and production history of all three films and Armstrong's original unfilmed links which were never used for the video compilation known as Screamtime.

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